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Cut Through Excuses and Self Doubt to Reach Your Green Living Goals

Are you putting off making greener choices because of the expense or difficulty? Then you might be going about it the wrong way.

An Eco-friendly lifestyle doesn’t need to be expensive or difficult!

Sustainable living can be as easy as swapping paper towels for dish towels or bringing your own tumbler to your favorite coffee shop. Not only will you reduce the trash in our landfills, but you will also save money.

Use my 7 Day Challenge to Natural Living and quick 5 Point Checklist to jump-start your goals!

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5 Point Checklist for Green Living Goals

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5 Point Checklist Succeed at Your Green Living Goals

Setting green living goals can be as easy as starting a donation box, growing an indoor plant, or shopping with reusable bags. Small changes can really add up, especially when you start replacing household cleaners and skin care products one by one with natural, chemical-free solutions! Use my handy list of essentials for green living as inspiration.

Cut Through Excuses and Reach Your Green Living Goals

#1 The 5 Minute Rule

Turn off all distractions and focus for five minutes on ONE TASK you’ve been putting off. Five minutes is all it often takes to break through your excuses and barriers. And before you know the task either complete or you’ve made noted progress.

#2 Read Inspiring Quotes

Yes, those cheesy posters in every room of your Junior High School had a purpose. There were displayed on the walls to inspire, motivate, and challenge you to dig deeper! So, the next time you’re ready to throw in the towel hang up a cheesy poster or read inspiring quotes and stories.

#3 Write It Down

I know you’ve heard this before, but it works! Write down your green living goals in a notebook or write one each month in your planner. If you’re trying to include other members of the household use a bulletin board or chalkboard to set goals together.

#4 Rock It Out

Listening to your favorite music can help you stomp out your goals. Music lifts spirits, put you in a better mood, and blocks distractions. I always play music when I’m working on graphic design or when I’m knocking out a rough draft for an article. Sometimes, the best way to meet our goals is to pump ourselves up and work to the beat.

Focus Aromatherapy Recipes

#5 Use Aromatherapy to Focus

Aromatherapy is a fun way to focus our mind and boost mental clarity. Add these essential oil blends to your diffuser or wear on aromatherapy jewelry for study time, brainstorming, or when you’re getting ready for an important meeting.

Share it, pin it, send to a friend who needs clarity too! Grab this aromatherapy recipe chart and more printables, checklists, and reference guides in the Life-n-Reflection Resource Library.

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Pull out this checklist when you hit a roadblock on your green living goals. And remember good things come to those who hustle. Right? So, set some exciting goals!


    1. lifenreflection says:

      It’s fun way to give us a boost to get the tasks at hand!

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