DIY Blog Photography Backgrounds Under $10
Backgrounds are an important component to blog photography. An eye catching background highlights your subject and adds character to the photograph. Today, I want to give you a look behind the scenes at my staple blog photography backgrounds. Each are affordable options under $10 that you don’t have to build from scratch. They can all actually be used “right out of the box”. Learn more about creating and selecting backgrounds in the Ultimate Blog Photography Bootcamp. This post contains some affiliate links for your convenience, read full disclosure policy.
#1 Foam Boards
A must have for blog photography, foam boards are easiest to use. They can create the crisp bright white backgrounds many bloggers are looking for. Or pick one up in black for a moody photo shoot or to block light. I purchased each of mine at Michael’s Craft Store for just $2. Foam boards are light in weight, making them a breeze to use! The all purpose of blog photography backgrounds, foam boards offer 5 indispensable techniques:
Reflecting Light
Directing Light
Bright White Background
Blocking Light
Clean Surface
#2 Plywood Planks
I came across these plywood planks in the shelving department of a home improvement store. They are the heaviest option of my blog photography backgrounds. Although, fairly easy to maneuver. Each are cost effective at less than $10, versus purchasing tables or large plywood sheets.
#3 Cutting Boards
Certainly, a favorite for blog photography backgrounds cutting boards are one of the most versatile. You can use them to add texture, warmth, or dimension. I have 7 cutting boards as I write this and I use them constantly. They are excellent for layering! While, I love my marble cutting boards, I have two that are faux marble cutting boards that look great in photographs! Each of those were less than $10 and several of my real marble boards were gifts.
#4 Contact Paper and Drawer Liners
You can likely create the most unique blog photography backgrounds with contact paper or drawer liners. Each comes in an incredible variety of colors and textures. And it’s irresistibly cheap too! I recommend clipping drawer liners and contact paper to foam boards to use a background. Keep in mind, if you’re using a drawer liner as a surface you may have to toss it if you spill something on it. Most come in a set anyway, so tossing one isn’t a big deal in my book. My favorite contact papers to use as a background are marble. I adhered one in particular that I use very often to a foam board. I just flip over from white to marble anytime!
#5 Natural Fabrics
Who can resist the airy feel and textures that natural fabrics provide to photographs? Use them to incorporate colors and patterns as well. Although, I prefer neutral fabrics so not to take away from my subject. Here’s a quick list of my fabrics for blog photography backgrounds:
- Flour sack towels
- White bed sheets
- Tablecloths
- Scarves
- Kitchen Hand Towels
- Muslin Cloth
- Burlap
- Cheesecloth
#6 Small Inexpensive Vinyl Backgrounds
I have quite the stash of vinyl backgrounds in my prop closet. I’ve found the small 2 by 3 foot size works great as blog photography backgrounds. Ink and Elm is my favorite place to purchase these. The choices are endless when it comes to vinyl backgrounds. My favorites include rustic woods, marble (I know more marble, I can’t get enough), granite, concrete, chalkboard, and crisp white. Each are easily portable and quick to clean up if say, you spill honey all over one! I keep mine rolled up when not in use.
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For many bloggers using a particular background or similar blog photography backgrounds can create brand consistency. But, don’t be afraid to mix it up. You never know, you may find a new favorite!
Speaking of mixing it up, check out my 10 Must Have Blog Photography Props and don’t miss all the photography cheat sheets and more in the Life-n-Reflection Resource Library. Go beyond the basics and take your blog photography from Blah to Wow with the Ultimate Blog Photography Bootcamp.