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10 Need to Know Photography Basics for Bloggers

Are you in awe of all the bright beautifully styled blog photos on Pinterest?

Do you blog about incredible home transformations? Do create and share handcrafted money saving gifts? Or are you a true talent in the kitchen? No matter your blogging niche, you too can achieve the same gorgeous styled photographs! Start with my 10 Need Know Photography Basics for Bloggers then join the ranks in the Ultimate Blog Photography Bootcamp.  This post contains some affiliate links for your convenience. Click here to read the full disclosure policy.

10 Need to Know Photography Basics for Bloggers

1. Leave the Lights Off

Great lighting is key to great blog photography, especially if you are shooting indoors. Leave the lights off and use natural light whenever possible. On camera flash is a big No-No, as well. So, keep your flash off. I recommend calling dibs on a space in your home that receives natural light for most of the day. If the light is too bright diffuse it with a lightweight fabric shade or curtain.  If there is not enough light use a bouncer or white foam board to bounce light back on your subject.

2. Back it Up

One of the quickest and easiest ways to improve your blog photography is shooting on a variety of backgrounds. Start with something as simple as a white or black foam board. Then add wood planks, wood paneling, contact paper, kraft wrapping paper, flour sack towels, or pro vinyl photography backgrounds to your collection. Keep in mind you’ll want to select one background for each project you are photographing. Now, you can certainly take a few shots on different backgrounds to see what looks best. But, I do not recommended using multiple backgrounds in a single blog article. This can confuse the reader.

3. Find the Right Angle

Anyone in advertising knows every product has good angle. You just have to find it first! Shoot straight on, eye to eye, from the side, closeup, or from above. I recommend photographing your subject in at least two angles to give you more options when selecting photographs for an article. Don’t be afraid to move things around and get in close to your subject. Rather than relying on your camera to do everything. The more flexible you are the better photographs you will capture.

4. Pull from your staple props

Why go to all the hard work of cooking an incredible dish or whipping up a batch of homemade soap to just photograph it on your kitchen counter? Layering your shot with props is great method to showcase your subject. Checkout my list of props that have become a staple when working on photo shoots:

  • Linen towels
  • Measuring spoons
  • Vintage books
  • Spices
  • Vintage muffin pans
  • Cake pedestals
  • Wooden spoons
  • Antique cameras
  • Vintage saucers
  • Cutting boards
  • Dried herbs and flowers
  • Ribbon and Lace

5 Ways to Style Your Instagram

5. Visual Story

Now, that you have a variety of angles, backgrounds, and props. Use the best possible lighting and movement to tell a story within the frame. Pull in fresh flowers, fruits or veggies. Add spices, herbs, utensils, and mixing bowls used to make your project. Will it be dark and moody or bright and cheerful. It’s your story, so tell it!  If you love to decorate your home then this style will come naturally. Start with your blog subject as your focal point, just like the focal point in a room. Next, gather your staple props and arrange them to create movement and tell a story. Keep rearranging items until you have a sense of balance within the frame.

10 Need to Know Photography Basics for Bloggers

6.  Don’t shy away from textures

When building your visual story always consider texture. This could be rough fabric cuts, bristles in a paintbrush, or the wood grain in a cutting board. Textures can add a unique layer of depth and intrigue. Begging your readers to digest your photograph longer. And to click through if they found it on Pinterest or another social media site.

[bctt tweet=”Textures can add a unique layer of depth and intrigue in photography” username=”lifenreflection”]

5 Ways to Style Your Instagram

7. Empty Spaces

Leave negative space so you can add text or to give visual emphasis elsewhere in the picture. Complete all the steps above, then either remove or push items into the corners or edges of your frame. Thus intentionally creating an empty space in the photo for adding text after. I recommend adding text in Photoshop with a blog photography template. This method works perfect for your featured blog photo and/or Pinterest photo in your post.

8.  Capture Movement

You may notice some of the blog photography photos you’re most drawn to have a hint of movement. Movement can difficult to capture unless you are working with a tripod and a remote shutter or a partner in crime. Short on both? Then sprinkle lavender buds or flower petals around your subject and unfold that napkin or kitchen towel. Get messy to create movement your photographs. Just, don’t splatter any paint on your finished project. (Not, that I’m saying this from experience or anything…)

9.  Get to Know Your Camera

After all of the tips above, if you’re not getting the results you want. Don’t rush out buy a big better camera. At least not just yet, a bigger camera doesn’t guarantee better results. My best advice is to start improving your blog photography using the camera you have! Just about any entry level DSLR will work for blog photography. Learning to use your camera’s mode settings is one the easiest way to get better a shot. Add a wee bit of ISO, shutter speed, and aperture knowledge and the cat is in the bag! Once you really gotten to your camera considering purchasing a new lens. A fixed 50 mm lens is great lens for blog photography.

photography cheat sheets

Grab my Photography Sheet Cheats Guide in the Resource Library to brush up on ISO, shutter speed, and aperture. Learn more about the Ultimate Blog Photography Bootcamp.

10.  Practice, Practice, Practice

Has anyone ever told you can’t play in the game if you miss practice? Well… Just keeping practicing. Look to Pinterest, Instagram and other blogs for inspiration. Try different backgrounds, props, and light sources until you begin to see the result you are looking for.

the ultimate blog photography bootcamp

You know it’s time to “get up close and personal” with your blog photography!!! Go beyond the basics and take your blog photography from Blah to Wow with the Ultimate Blog Photography Bootcamp. What are your best tips for better blog photography? Share in the comments below and don’t forget your free Printable Photography Cheat Sheets in the Resource Library if you need a quick refresher.

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