Your skin will feel clean and clear with a radiance you can’t miss after any one of these 10 DIY face steam recipes!
“The #1 thing you can do this week (or better yet, today!) is something for yourself.”
I don’t remember where I read that last year, but it certainly stuck with me.
As a mother, I’ve begun to understand that you really can’t pour from an empty cup. Before I had my daughter I could write for 8 hours straight or stay up late writing until my eyeballs begged me to close them. I could eat a bowl of cereal for supper, skip lunch, or just eat when I made time.
And I never felt like I was missing all those things like a hot bath soak, a pedicure, or a massage because I could take one or get one anytime I decided. But, after two years of mothering and running a business on an empty cup, I was becoming burnt out and overwhelmed.
So when I read that, I did a double-take. Asking myself if that is really possible? How can doing something for yourself be the most important #1 thing? My first thoughts were a single 21-year-old wrote that. Of course, they can always put themselves first. And if a mother wrote this she is obviously stuck on herself and has a nanny.
My inner dialog said wait for a second – “How could you be so quick to judge? What’s wrong with being young and having fewer responsibilities? And what’s wrong with sharing responsibilities with a nanny? You have one! “
On second thought, I realized there’s nothing wrong with taking care of yourself. I wondered what would happen if I did put myself first, even if it was just for an hour a week.
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What is Self Care and Why is self care important?
Self-care is merely acknowledging and taking steps to care for yourself outside of your basic needs like sleep, food, and hygiene. According to Forbes magazine, “No matter how indulgent or fancy the term may sound, self-care is crucial for our physical, emotional and mental well-being.”
They go on to explain that self-care is an important part of taking care of all our needs, creating a better work-life balance, and providing stress management. And it’s even more important when you’re busy or caring for other people – a.k.a. motherhood.
But, things like getting a pedicure or massage can be fairly expensive and time-consuming. Yet, ultimately self-care strategies don’t need to involve leaving your home.
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How Does A DIY Face Steam Fit Into Self Care?
You can cut the time commitment and the cost drastically by building simple self-care methods like face steaming into a self-care routine. So, even if it doesn’t feel like you have the time or the budget you can still start practicing self-care for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
I fell in love with face steaming last January when I made self-care a big part of my New Years’ resolution goals. With just 15 minutes and a few ingredients, I learned to create a spa-like experience in my own home. I could face steam after dinner, just before bed after my skincare routine, or in the morning when I woke up before my daughter.
Guess what happened?
Those 15 minutes made a huge impact! I felt so relaxed, recharged, and actually kind of proud of myself for making time for me.
Whoever said self-care is about being selfish – certainly hasn’t tried it!
Face steaming is not just relaxing it is incredible for your skin! Rather you are looking for a steam treatment for sinus congestion or how to face steam to remove blackheads the benefits of face steaming can cover it all.
I’ve found that you will get the best results for your skin when you choose a DIY face steam for your skin type.
Do you have normal, dry, mature, oily, or combination skin? Take our Skin Type Quiz now to discover yours!
And when it comes to creating a self-care routine. It’s best to make it a part of your weekly regimen. So, I rotate face steaming with bath soaks, body scrubs, listening to my favorite podcasts on Spotify, applying a hair mask, and creative journaling or writing during any given week.
I have loved the results of face steaming so much, that I can’t seem to stop talking about it. Ready to give it a try too?
Before you face steam start with a clean face. I use my aloe vera face wash. Then rinse with warm water and gently pat dry. You can exfoliate with a lip scrub or face scrub before you begin too.
Once you’ve prepped your face choose one of these incredible at-home face steam recipes then follow the instructions below.
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10 Face Steam Recipes to Recharge Yourself and Your Skin
1. Energizing Face Steam
- 1 cup peppermint hydrosol
- 2 slices of lime or lemon
- 1 tablespoon peppermint leaf or loose leaf tea
- 3 drops lemon essential oil
- 3 drops lime essential oil
2. Pore Cleansing Face Steam
- 1 cup tea tree hydrosol
- 2 slices of cucumber
- 1 tablespoon peppermint leaf or loose leaf tea
- 4 drops tea tree essential oil
- 2 drops lemongrass essential oil
3. Stress Relief Face Steam
- 1 tablespoon loose leaf earl grey tea
- 2 slices of orange or 1 tablespoon orange peel
- 3 drops bergamot essential oil
- 2 drops eucalyptus essential oil
- 2 drops sweet orange essential oil
4. Hydrating Dry Skin Face Steam:
- 1 cup rose hydrosol
- 3 drops lavender essential oil
- 3 drops chamomile essential oil
- 2 drops sandalwood essential oil
- 1 tablespoon rose petals
- 1 tablespoon chamomile
5. Better Sleep Face Steam
- 1 cup lavender hydrosol
- 2 tablespoons lavender buds
- 2 drops ylang ylang essential oil
- 4 drops lavender essential oil
- 2 drops cedarwood essential oil
6. Anti-Aging Face Steam
- 1 cup rose hydrosol
- 4 drops frankincense essential oil
- 4 drops ylang-ylang
- 1 tablespoon rose petals
- 1 tablespoon hibiscus
7. Sinus Clearing Face Steam
- 1 cup peppermint hydrosol
- 2 tablespoons peppermint leaf or loose leaf tea
- 2 slices of lemon or 1 tablespoon lemon peel
- 4 drops eucalyptus essential oil
8. Calming Irritated Skin Face Steam
- 1 cup chamomile hydrosol
- 2 tablespoons calendula flowers
- 1 tablespoon chamomile
- 3 drops chamomile essential oil
- 3 drops geranium essential oil
9. Detoxifying Face Steam
- 1 green tea bag or a scoop of loose leaf tea
- 2 slices of grapefruit or lemon
- 4 drops grapefruit essential oil
- 2 drops eucalyptus essential oil
10. Morning Awakening Face Steam
- 1 chai tea bag or a scoop of loose leaf tea
- 2 slices of orange or 1 tablespoon orange peel
- 3 drops cardamom essential oil
- 3 drops sweet orange essential oil
Heat 2 to 3 cups of water over the stovetop until a soft simmer begins. Then add all of the ingredients except essential oils to the simmering water. Once added, stir to combine, then simmer for three minutes, before removing from heat.
Pour the contents of your face steam into a large bowl. Allow it to cool until the steam is warm to your hand. Add your remaining essential oils from the recipe to your face steam.
Simply, drape a medium-sized towel over your head to create a tent. Then lower your face into the face steam. Stopping about 8 to 12 inches from the bowl. Increase the distance from the steam as needed for your comfort by raising your head.
Enjoy the relaxing and cleansing benefits of face steaming by adding a DIY face steam recipe based on your needs to your self care routine.
(Steam for no more than 10 minutes and no closer than 8 inches from the bowl to avoid burns.)
After you’ve cleansed and steamed your skin is going to be thirsty. Make sure to apply a moisturizer such as DIY glow serum, face mist, or face cream. After this final step, your skin will feel clean and clear with a radiance you can’t miss!
For tips on how often to face steam and more about face steaming benefits see our in-depth face steam guide.
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What DIY face steam recipe are you going to try first? Got any self-care ideas? I love to hear it in the comments below.
Pin these 10 face steam recipes to add to your self-care routine. Tag #lifenreflection on Instagram to share yours!